• While most people on Lemmy are going to know what this means, the person who wrote this error message was definitely trying to be cute with that phrasing.

    • So my first role as a developer I’m working on an application that runs various classes for children, the parents sign up but it’s children they’re booking for.

      We use reactstrap and there is a package called buttonasync and it has a method of executingChildren, let’s say I was a little confused.

      return (
                  <Form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
                          <Label htmlFor="name">Name</Label>
                          <Input type="text" name="name" placeholder="Name" value={props.name} />
      				<ButtonAsync type="submit" color="primary" isExecuting={isSaving}
      					executingChildren={<><FontAwesomeIcon icon="spinner" spin /> Saving...</>}>
      					<FontAwesomeIcon icon="save" /> Save