TL;DR: Antec is going to be selling a Steam Deck competitive device, based on the Ayaneo Slide. The device has a slide up screen that reveals a keyboard, which is good because using desktop windows is much easier with a keyboard. However the device’s lowest estimated power draw at low/no load is 15w, meaning it will use comparable power to the deck running at max power. This means the battery life will probably be pretty rough when compared to the Deck. It will also likely have a much higher price point.

  • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    164 months ago

    Is Valve even truly interested in being part of the competition? All their hardware offerings seem more like prototypes or proofs of concept, and the details for other manufacturers to build on the idea are available. Like their strategy to inject competition in these spheres is more just lighting a fire under the asses of other manufacturers to get them making the hardware instead of Valve.

    • HobbitFoot
      154 months ago

      Yeah. I get the feeling that Valve would be more than happy for people to make competitors to the Steam Deck as long as it had the Steam store on it.

    • Kerb
      4 months ago

      as long as it can run steam, its a win for them.

      think of steam machines, steam controllers and steam links before the the deck.

      the goal with most (excluding vr) of valves hardware has been to appeal to the console player audience.

      it doesnt matter who builds those things at the end, as long as they bring more users Into their ecosystem