Source: RedfieldWilton@twitter

Labour are more trusted than the Conservatives on EVERY policy issue prompted.

Which party do voters trust most on…?

(Lab | Con)

NHS (42% | 17%) Education (39% | 20%) Economy (38% | 23%) Immigration (33% | 21%) 🇺🇦 (31% | 24%)

    1 month ago

    It would be good to know the actual questions asked, it’s suspicious how low green/libdems/reform are in almost everything.

    Shouldn’t a question like this have a neutral midpoint with trust/distrust on either side? This looks like it’s penalising parties people are less aware of the policies of.

    Edit: oh, it’s the bit at the top “which party would you trust most to:”

    Naff question really what was the point of including the smaller parties there? Should have just been the main parties for that question or a graded version with all parties.