I recall it had the mouse on it. Now I have the purple world.

  • @ebits21@lemmy.ca
    51 year ago

    One of the Memmy devs actually said that was the cost when they looked into it to get good ones. Of course, Memmy doesn’t make a lot of money.

    Not sure what Apollo paid but, Apollo brought in a lot of money and could afford it. Christian must have seen the icons as a good investment.

    • Frost WolfOP
      21 year ago

      Ahhh that explains it. Though, forgive the impudence, but I certainly do hope that a flat planet with few circles doesn’t cost 1,000USD.

      • @Ocean@lemmy.zip
        51 year ago

        The cost of designs like that aren’t necessarily to do with the size of the icon, they’re to do with the expertise and years of practice a designer has to work for to be able to understand how to make an icon that looks professional, legible at a small size, works with the branding of the app/company, doesn’t come too close to other companies icons, and that the user is happy to have on their Home Screen.

        It also has to look alright at larger sizes in certain cases.

        The planet icon probably didn’t cost $1000, and you can tell and that’s why you’re posting about it.

        Unfortunately, the annoying part about designing app icons is that when it’s really good, the user won’t even notice it, because it’s designed to not stand out from your Home Screen and become an eyesore.

        It’s a tricky situation 😂 and the reason I did years of design school but never actually ended up becoming a professional