Proponents boast that 802.11bb is 100 times faster than Wi-Fi and more secure.

  • trynn
    31 year ago

    Kinda curious what the actual use cases for this are. It’s not going to replace consumer wi-fi, since walls exist. And we already have light-based transmission within cables (fiber-optic networking). So, is this supposed to provide fast networking to locations where installing fiber isn’t feasible? What’s the effective range on this?

    • Hypnoctopus
      21 year ago

      Maybe it can be emitted from different light sources around your house

      11 year ago

      I mean the Lamps providing the lifi Network still need to be wired to some kind of cable or fibre that connects to the internet or intranet. I dont know, but As i understand its like a spacially confined WLAN, which makes it pretty well secured against people connecting who are not supposed to. So maybe its good for Super secret conference rooms. Another idea would be industry 4.0 stuff, where in factories every maschine or device is connected to a nerwork. Basically an alternative to 5G

      • trynn
        21 year ago

        The super secret conference room is a maybe. Factories though? If you’re going to be wiring up factory machines, you can easily just add one more cable for ethernet and it’d probably be cheaper and just as secure. We’d have to be talking about machines/devices that are in a large warehouse-like space and frequently moved around (thus requiring wireless networking) and that require either the security or bandwidth benefits of Li-Fi (most don’t). That limits the applications significantly.