Reddit could be working on a Contributor program, letting top contributors earn real-world money from the gold and karma they receive.

    • Chozo
      1 year ago

      Pretty sure that’s exactly what they want. Those are way more neutral/marketable qualities to advertisers than “Sometimes your ad will be shown next to a 10-page, expletive-ridden tirade about poop-knives, and no, they won’t explain what it is”.

      • mrbubblesort
        41 year ago

        In the short term, yes. And in the context of them trying for an IPO, that’s probably what they want. But it absolutely will kill the site in the end because no one actually wants to hang out in an ad riddled wasteland.

        • e_t_
          31 year ago

          I’m still on Facebook because of that’s how I keep up with friends I no longer live near, but you know what Facebook has been loath to show me recently? Posts from my friends. Easily 75% of my feed is sponsored or “recommended” content. If they’re not going to show me the one and only thing I come to the site to see, I might as well not come to the site.

          • Pandantic
            21 year ago

            And unfortunately half the shit from my friends are shit reposts.

    • PabloDiscobar
      11 year ago

      Food for the AI. This is where the money is.

      Look at a big sub of reddit: today it’s made of one liners that we collapsed. This is worthless to an AI.

      Would you ask questions to an AI if it gave you a reddit like answer? No.

      They want the content creators, and the content is in the comments.