• @Fades@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Telling people to vote is not propaganda it’s a call to action, the one that is a duty to all citizens regardless of country.

    You keep using that word far too generally which takes away from your message.

    Lastly, it’s not just annual doom mongering. I’m so sorry you have to see it but it’s a big fucking deal and completely unprecedented for us as an entire goddamn country. Our political plights do NOT just boil down to more advertising.

    We are fighting for our rights and those of us less fortunate. We’re talking not just freedoms but lives. This is not hyperbole, people are dying and more will die and suffer if we do not shout and scream about it.

    I’m sorry our election isn’t easier for you to ignore goddamn. Your final line of how there isn’t a single iota of hope just shows how full of complete shit you are. Shame on you for lying like this.

    • @Aceticon@lemmy.world
      3 months ago


      If it was about “just vote” you wouldn’t care who for.

      That post of yours is such a perfect example of that very sleazy political propaganda I was talking about that the very first paragraph is already deceitful misrepresentation.

      Then follows the customary use of political slogans from the Book Of Vote Lesser Evil: it’s “unprecedented” vote - again - “fighting for our rights” and, most hilarious of all for the “less fortunate” (trully beyond belief in a country with a grand total of 4 national politicians who are leftwing, and the rest being overwhelmingly hard-right ultra-neolibs or far-right fascists).

      The whole thing reads like somebody who has swallowed the Cool Aid and is giving themselves an excuse to pester everybody else, all very similar to religious nutters proselytizing.

      From the outside it’s like watching the Russian Elections but for a country with a Power Duopoly instead of a Power Monopoly, complete with people in their minds boosting way out of proportion the small differences between those two cheeks of the same arse that pass for Political Parties, to convince themselves they actually have a choice (lest they realize having the country governed for the many, not for the fatcats, is never going to happen in that electoral system and they have to do something about it) in some kind of country-sized Stockholm Syndrome.

      It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad.