• @Nepoleon@lemmy.world
        531 year ago

        Wtf is this comment tree. I have a feeling some of the comments I read are made by russian bots trying to make 3k soldiers seem like a dramatic red line news when so many more notworthy things were done in the past years.

        Wouldnt surprise me. Lemmy has no tools to prevent russian bots and propaganda at all. Lemmy doesnt even have Voting contest mode or multi account detection to prevent manipulation

        • klieg2323
          1 year ago

          Or maybe some are by pentagon hawks looking to stoke the flames of war?

          Seriously though, calling people who don’t parrot your opinion bots is toxic rhetoric. You are more than welcome to examine who is making what votes, that information is all public. But if you were to take a close look at my account (and others whom I assume you are accusing of being bots) we are all organic Lemmy accounts.

          3k is 3k. It’s an increase. It’s not war starting today but it’s definitely not a step in the right direction. Calling attention to the likely scenarios of the US escalating their military presence in the region is most certainly not Russian propaganda just because it contradicts the American propaganda.

          • @CmdrShepard
            121 year ago

            Why do you keep phrasing this as if a war didn’t already start over a year ago after Russia invaded Ukraine?

            Seems you’d rather see innocent Ukranians slaughtered than offer them any aid. Why is that?

            • klieg2323
              61 year ago

              Because the US is not involved directly. They are not at war here nor should they be. A direct intervention by the us will directly lead to an exchange of nuclear weapons.

              I’d rather see nobody die, but seeing as we’re in the situation were in I’d prefer if the whole world didn’t go up in flames just to offer Ukrainians aid.

              You keep seeming to think that the US is solely responsible for Ukraine, why is that?

              • @CmdrShepard
                31 year ago

                We’re in a post about the US sending troops to Europe which is why I’m talking about the US’s involvement. I suppose when you work at a troll farm it’s hard to keep all the separate posts straight, eh?

                • klieg2323
                  71 year ago

                  I suppose it’s easier to attack than to actually read and comprehend what someone says. I’m fully aware of who I’m talking to and what post were in. You’re the guy I triggered by not wanting the us to escalate the situation into WW3 by committing troops.

            • arcturus
              31 year ago

              it’s not that; it’s that it’s the US doing it for a country halfway across the world, as if we’re actually going there to help instead of taking advantage of the situation because Russia’s involved

              if we do go there, it’s not gonna be for aid

          • ikiru
            121 year ago

            Typical reddit liberal moment calling someone who doesn’t agree with the US a “Russian bot”.

            • @sisiek@slrpnk.net
              111 year ago

              typical lemmy moment when you prefer to bash the US when Russian bots are on rampage?

              I’m from Eastern Europe. I hate what Russia did to my country and my family in effect. Long history. I hate what they are doing to Ukraine. And this comment section feels weird, because for me more US soldiers in Europe mean more peace and stability.

              • ikiru
                41 year ago

                I’m not disagreeing with you but assuming anyone online disagreeing with US policy is a “Russian bot” with absolutely no proof is a very typical reddit lib moment, which was my point. That can just be thrown around to shut down anything.

                If you don’t like Russia and are pro-US, I don’t automatically assume you’re a US bot.

              • klieg2323
                31 year ago

                You have a completely different outlook then. I’m sorry, but we are not your protector. The US is on the other side of the world.

                We are criticizing the US. Nobody is trying to say the US is worse than Russia here. We are meetelt pointing out the fact that escalating troops in Europe is a bad baby step towards all out war. If the us commits troops on the ground on the side of Ukraine, Russia will declare ware and nato article 5 will be invoked. All sides are nuclear poweres. First it might start with tactical nukes on your side of the world. Then it will escalate to ICBMs. It will end when there are no countries or borders and most of the world is dead and in ruin with Eastern Europe being ground zero. Idk why you would want to escalate the situation with US military involvement when it literally would make your part of the world a nuclear wasteland.

                But hey, if not wanting to see the world get nuked makes me a Russian bot so be it. Better that than a pentagon warhawk trying to profit off this whole thing.

            • @CmdrShepard
              111 year ago

              Nah it’s more like calling someone carrying water for Russia and blaming the US for a war that Russia started a year ago a Russian bot.

              • klieg2323
                61 year ago

                Nobody is blaming the US for starting this war. We are all literally saying that an escalation like committing troops would escalate quickly into nuclear war and we are criticizing the US for taking even baby steps in that direction.

                Compare that with you trying to dive head first into a nuclear conflict we don’t belong in. Which weapons manufacturer or military branch do you work for?

                • @CmdrShepard
                  81 year ago

                  You have stated multiple times in your comments that the US is trying to start a war. Several other people have called you out on this.

                  Nobody is buying your nuclear war propaganda. You’re just trying to give cover to Russian aggression in an attempt to allow them to capture control of Ukraine. What happens if they do capture Ukraine and then invade yet another country with all these new conscripts? Would you once again tell us to just sit around and watch because you’re ‘scared’ that we might upset Russia? How long do you keep that up? This parallels Germany in the early 20th century. Those wars didn’t end because people sat by and let them do what they want for fear of conflict.

                  • klieg2323
                    61 year ago

                    You have stated multiple times in your comments that the US is trying to start a war. Several other people have called you out on this.

                    Literally where? I have only ever stated the fact that the US commiting troops on the ground would escalate the current conflict into WW3. I’m literally here arguing for peace and not to escalate to nuclear Armageddon. L

                    You on the other hand seem very much determined to see as much of the world burn as possible and it’s sick. Learn some history and become aware of what would actually happen if your wet dreams come true

                  • arcturus
                    31 year ago

                    why do you think that the US in particular has the responsibility to directly get involved?

        • @dot20@lemmy.world
          81 year ago

          It’s no surprise; the Lemmy developers are literally tankies. This instance’s name literally ends in .ml (Marxism-Leninism).

        • @ReakDuck@lemmy.ml
          71 year ago

          Its also possible that normal users got confused and make drama out of it because they read russian bots

      • klieg2323
        171 year ago

        Why is it being done?

        This is how things start. Just like with weapons assistance, first it’s a little then it’s billions on the regular. This is an increase to an already way oversized presence of a foreign continents military in a delicate situation.

        • @lemmyshmemmy@lemmy.world
          301 year ago

          It’s not a delicate situation for Ukrainians, they’re defending their freedom. Accusing the US of escalation here when Russia violently invaded it’s peaceful neighbor?

          • arcturus
            161 year ago

            I mean the first issue here is that you think the US government actually gives a shit about humanitarian things; they’re doing this because it’ll be beneficial to them, not out of the goodness of their heart

            you really need to understand that you can’t take the US at its word when it says it’s sending soldiers to another country for moral reasons

            • @GBU_28@lemm.ee
              1 year ago

              No country on the planet is any different. Just so happens the us is aligned with the global west in deciding to support Ukraine. That’s just how it is.

              At the same time NATO is consolidating membership, again, for geopolitical gain, not charity.

              Welcome to reality. Declaring the US a sane geopolitical operator is not the hot take you think it is.

              • arcturus
                1 year ago

                you might be surprised by how many people don’t understand this tho

            • @sin_free_for_00_days
              11 year ago

              I despise the size of the US military, the size of the military budget, the corruption in the military-industrial complex, and so on. But it’s disingenuous to ignore how often, and how many places the military does show up to provide help to areas hit by things like national disasters. It’s one of the few things I do like about the military. I’m not even saying that it outweighs the damage done by US policy, just saying.

          • 133arc585
            111 year ago

            Accusing the US of escalation here when Russia violently invaded it’s peaceful neighbor?

            Do you understand what escalation means? Escalation doesn’t have anything to do with who started it. It’s a relative action: it escalates from some state. The USA is committing troops where it previously hadn’t (or, more pedantically, is increasing the number of committed troops). This is escalation.

            You can complain about Russia starting this, but you should also complain about the USA escalating the situation.

              • klieg2323
                111 year ago

                Wtf does this have to do with the US escalating their military presence? You do realize that once the us officially get involved it’s WW3 with literal nukes, right? You don’t seriously think a territorial conflict between Russia and Ukraine is worth nuking the world over, do you?

                Remember how WW1 escalated? Treaties calling everyone into a pointless war over someone else’s conflict.

                  • klieg2323
                    81 year ago

                    Are you for real or are you being a troll?

                    Let’s say the us gets involved. Article 5 is invoked in NATO and we get a WW1 style escalation into world war. Major nuclear powers are all involved. Someone is going to use a nuke. Maybe tactically at first but it will quickly spiral out of control. Unless something happens that renders all nukes inert, their use is all but guaranteed in WW3.

                    World war is not good in any instance, regardless if it triggers nuclear Armageddon. Europe has only just recovered from 1 and 2.

          • klieg2323
            111 year ago

            Right, and Ukraine has every right to defend their country. The US escalating the situation by involving troops brings this from a regional conflict to a global nuclear war. The US escalating this can lead to nuclear aniahialation

      • 133arc585
        161 year ago

        The US already has 80k troops there, 3k more isn’t some kind of escalation.

        Is 83K more than 80K? Yes? Then it’s an escalation.