It runs all the way down, flanking both sides. I pretend it’s a moat for protection. So lush in some places it’s difficult to not touch with your car as you drive along.

    1 year ago

    In my area they’re alongside roads a lot, and we get the occasional post on NextDoor that shows a picture of a kid with a red and swollen face, and the parents says “OMG my kid was playing with those pretty plants by the road, beware!” It really is not fun. Thankfully, as far as I know, all symptoms eventually recede.

    They’re not just by roads though, a guy I know has a decent amount of land and there was a fairly massive poison ivy bush on it, that he burned in a controlled burn. I wasn’t there, but he showed me the video, it’s quite impressive. There’s also a satisfying feeling to it, it feels like payback against those fuckers! 😉

        11 year ago

        I’ll gladly trust you with it, I have no idea. Hopefully they knew it and found a way to do it safely. I think they contracted a professional for it, so hopeful the professional knew what he was doing.