The disgraceful Supreme Court justice should be held accountable for his actions but probably won’t.

  • So first let’s be clear. I’m not "both sides"ing. My point is clearly that the overton window for centrists is so far right, that the parties would essentially meet in the center if the republican party hadn’t fully embraced the culture war insanity.

    Voting against Trump (a member of the opposing party) is like, the least they could do. They should hardly get back pats for that.

    How about this for “real things”. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi opposes banning Congress members from owning individual stocks

    She later did an about face and said she would bring legislation to do that, and what do you know, two years later and still nothing.

    • btaf45
      11 year ago

      My point is clearly that the overton window for centrists is so far right,

      That’s why it is critical for Dems to have a big majority. That is the only thing that will move the overton window significantly to the left.