• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
    11 year ago

    So, what you’re saying is that I should just stop engaging with your trolling. That’s probably a good advice actually.

    • APassenger
      21 year ago

      LOL. I’m not trolling, I’m just distracting one.

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
        11 year ago

        Adorable that’s what you think you’re doing, but anybody who looks at your comment history knows different.

        • APassenger
          21 year ago

          Checking yours is how people quickly identify the tankie who hates people for their country of origin.

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
            11 year ago

            Running around calling people who disagree with your tankies when you don’t have anything of substance to say really highlights the quality of your intellect. In all our discussions, you’ve only managed to produce a single intelligible comment when you were forced to admit that US is an oligarchic shithole that’s not actually exporting democracy around the world. I don’t hate people for their country of origin, I hate the despotic global empire that your country built and what it’s done to the world.

            • APassenger
              1 year ago

              You’re daft. I wasn’t forced to admit that the US has an oligarchy and you didn’t add one bit of persuasion to my conclusion. I’ve been there for years.

              You create an image of the people you talk with and then argue with that image.

              There are two things wrong with that. You don’t see the person. And you’re arguing instead of anything useful. Both track back to an unnecessary and unhealthy predilection to combativeness.

              You look for fault in others. You look for reasons to feel or be righteous. You look for all this stuff. And sometimes, you find it where it isn’t.

              Your style is broken. Your approach is broken. You vision of who you speak with is broken. You’ve forgotten that with very rare exception, all posters are people.

              You act like you’re the sole arbiter of a person’s worth and that that always tracks to being on the “right side” of issues you exclusively care about. It’s immature and, honestly, intellectually lazy.

              And if the topic of persuasion or decency doesn’t seem substantive to you, then you really need to reflect on why that’s your response.

              Let’s add: you responded quickly to the tankie part. What say you about hating people for their country of origin? Because you’ve shown active disdain as soon as you think you know they’re from places.

              • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
                11 year ago

                The one who is actually daft is the guy who claimed that US is helping Taiwan become democratic while apparently being fully aware of the fact that US itself isn’t.

                You create an image of the people you talk with and then argue with that image.

                Nah, I read the imbecilic comments you write and reply to their content.

                You look for fault in others. You look for reasons to feel or be righteous. You look for all this stuff. And sometimes, you find it where it isn’t.

                You’re just projecting here. I address what people are saying, and you consistently produce drivel in pretty much every one of your replies. You practically never engage with the subject, you just do name calling and character attacks. That’s literally all you do.

                Your style is broken. Your approach is broken. You vision of who you speak with is broken. You’ve forgotten that with very rare exception, all posters are people.

                Why do you think I care what you think about my style. You’re not a person I respect or whose opinions I value. To me you’re just a troll following me around producing background noise.

                And if the topic of persuasion or decency doesn’t seem substantive to you, then you really need to reflect on why that’s your response.

                Respect is earned. If you want people to take you seriously then make actual arguments to support whatever point you want to make instead of spending your time trying to psychoanalyze people and make personal attacks while whinging about not being respected. It’s frankly pathetic.

                Let’s add: you responded quickly to the tankie part. What say you about hating people for their country of origin? Because you’ve shown active disdain as soon as you think you know they’re from places.

                That’s completely and utterly false. It’s just the caricature you’ve created of me. I don’t hate people based on their country of origin at all. There are plenty of people I respect in the west, you just don’t happen to be one of them. What I have disdain for are shills for the burger empire such as yourself.

                • APassenger
                  1 year ago

                  See… that’s the thing. I never said…

                  You’re off your rocker. I’m tired of being completely misrepresent while you say I said things I didn’t.

                  And that, is how I know you hate. You do it persistently.

                  Your replies in the branch are as off topic as my own. And you know it. No high ground left.

                  I’ll add: I’m not that worked up about whether I’m respected. It’s that you throw your disrepect around potential and quasi-allies for not being pure enough. I’ve stated this clearly multiple times.

                  To add further: posting a slew of links criticizing the US for trying yo help spread Democracy when your aspersions go far further… isn’t the kind of critical thinking you present it to be.

                  It’s like me saying soviet Russia wanted more communism in the world. It’s obvious.

                  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
                    11 year ago

                    The difference is that you’re the one who sealions in to my threads and starts making personal attacks. I just reply to your smears, but you’re the one who always initiates. And nowhere have I made any purity tests for anyone, that’s just a thing you made up. But I’m sure you’re going to claim I’ve somehow misrepresented you once again.