• @proletariatnerd@iusearchlinux.fyi
    1 year ago

    So, people who love North Korea, or defend russia invading Ukraine, people, who stand by even the most autoritarian, anti-democratic, militaristic, imperialistic regimes - just because they call themselves “socialist” or “communist” - are “Tankies”.

    Would be good to point out these people you are mentioning are not all the same.

    There are people that Are critical of Russia, but don’t buy from western propaganda and are being called tankies too.

    It is more like, if one dare to question the western narrative = tankie.

    • river
      131 year ago

      but don’t buy from western propaganda

      i.e. are critical of russia, but stand by even the most autoritarian, anti-democratic, militaristic, imperialistic regimes - just because they call themselves “socialist” or “communist”, except for russias invasion of ukraine