• @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
    713 hours ago

    Only thing that isn’t okay is to mangle your sentence to conform to the obsolete “never end a sentence with a preposition because some old fogey said so hundreds of years ago” rule 😛

      • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
        46 hours ago

        Same here. There’s probably other ways too, but personally I’d probably have gone with “and we’re okay with that” or “and that’s fine/okay with us”. Just flows more like naturally IMO.

        BTW, in spite of the tongue in cheek way in which I said it, I meant no personal ill will towards you. Just the rule and its tyranny 😉

    • @TheRedSpade@lemmy.world
      813 hours ago

      I’m ok with ignoring this rule. Most of us do anyway. While we’re at it, can we also put “never split the infinitive” on the chopping block?