I currently use Brave and am curious about the pros and cons of both since I see many people recommend Firefox.

  • igorlogius
    221 year ago

    Sorry to bother, but just fyi,

    Privacy Badger, doenst bring anything to the table that uBO cant/doenst cover and having mutliple adblockers installed might even make the result unpretictable (the arkenfox wiki, explains that pretty well) Also Decentraleyes is outdated but there is the active fork https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/localcdn-fork-of-decentraleyes/

    Hope these infos help or are at least a bit interesting.

    • @Dillacorn@lemmy.ml
      51 year ago

      No, you’re not a bother at all; this is very informative! I don’t personally have the time to delve into the technicalities of why something may be outdated or maybe even redundant. I just kind of follow what has worked for me, as I want to be as anonymous as I can be while browsing the web. Furthermore, I will change Decentraleyes out for LocalCDN; I appreciate this tip.