How would Britons vote if the EU referendum were taking place in 2023?

A majority of Britons (55%) say that, were the EU referendum taking place now, seven years after the original date, they would vote to Remain. Three in ten 31% say they would vote to Leave. This gives a headline voting intention of 64% to 36%.

The results show that one in six Leave voters (18%) now say that they would vote to Remain were the EU referendum being held now. Almost three quarters (73%) say they would still vote to leave the EU.

  • yip-bonk
    61 year ago

    Brexit and Trump are cut from the same cloth. Right-wing, lazy, authoritarian propagandists.

    • @Uniquitous
      21 year ago

      Brexit and Trump were both (successful) Russian operations undertaken to destabilize the West.

        11 year ago

        You give too much credit for our (Russian) leaders wit. I’d rather suspect brexit to be a product of power hunger of your own politician.