• nickwitha_k (he/him)
    11 months ago

    I’d also agree that something new, rather than a reddit clone would be preferable. I think that cloning an unethical, for-profit aggregator would be antithetical to promoting free, open software, knowledge, and creativity.

    Additionally, I’ve never really been a fan of their layout - always seemed pretty clunky.

    ETA: What about a plaintext/JSON frontend? That I could absolutely get behind both from the fact that I tend to live in the terminal and that it would likely be straightforward to implement in a manner that is compatible with screen readers and other assistive devices.

    • Scroll ResponsiblyOP
      11 months ago

      There is an XML API endpoint that could be parsed by a terminal RSS reader like terminews. For more information, the documentation is here. That being said, this would be read only. MLMYM does seem to be somewhat usable by lynx and w3m in the terminal too… this comment was posted using lynx and MLMYM.

      Edit: although it looks like it posted in duplicate lol.