Talking about you mr phil.

  • @LemmyLaLibre@feddit.chOP
    511 months ago

    What was the moment you realized mr phil was a quack? For me it was when he had a man on the show who hit back after his wife assaulted him, and phil threatened to have the man arrested on stage if he got up and left while he was being humiliated and berated with things like: “there’s no reason to ever hit a woman, not even if she has a knife” and “you’re a coward” and “you’re scum”.

    That man was a victim of long term domestic violence and snapped, but instead of helping him phil exploited him in his moment of weakness.

        11 months ago

        Anyone who ran these shows ever is an ass. Talk shows were basically the precursor to annoying YouTubers today

      111 months ago

      While I agree with you he is scum of the earth, he does hold a doctorate, meaning he can call himself doctor.

      Exposing people for what they are is most effective if there is nothing in your story that people can use as “See? You’re wrong about this one thing so you must be wrong about everything”.

      He is scum and exploits people, and I wish he would just go away.

        • hoodatninja
          011 months ago

          He actually hasn’t had a license for decades so he’s not qualified either lol

            • hoodatninja
              111 months ago

              It’s right there on his Wikipedia but ok. Admittedly it’s 17 years give or take so yeah technically not decades plural.

                011 months ago

                Either you’re misinformed or just straight up lying.

                For most of his career, Peterson maintained a clinical practice, seeing about 20 people a week. He has been active on social media, and in September 2016 he released a series of videos in which he criticized Bill C-16.[22][53][54] As a result of new projects, he decided to put the clinical practice on hold in 2017[55] and temporarily stopped teaching as of 2018.[19][17] In February 2018, Peterson entered into a promise with the College of Psychologists of Ontario after a professional misconduct complaint about his communication and the boundaries he sets with his patients. The college did not consider a full disciplinary hearing necessary and accepted Peterson entering into a three-month undertaking to work on prioritizing his practice and improving his patient communications. Peterson had no prior disciplinary punishments or restrictions on his clinical practice.[56][57] In 2023, the college ordered Peterson to undergo social media communication coaching, following concerns about his public comments.[58][59] Peterson denied any wrongdoing and filed for judicial review.[60][58]


                • hoodatninja
                  111 months ago

                  I am talking about Dr. Phil. I understand why that wasn’t clear but let’s maybe slow your roll a bit here.

                  Peterson is just a bad person lol

    • That’s some dumbass sexist bullshit which was/is wrong on so many levels. First, it degrades women by equating them all with “delicate flowers” who are supposedly incapable of doing any damage. Second, it implies that domestic violence is acceptable, or at least not as serious, if a woman is the abuser and that a man, supposing the victim is a man, should not be allowed to defend himself. For normal people, not to mention someone who sells himself as a sort of therapist, that’s some fucked up logic.

      As a general rule, nobody should be hitting anyone else. Gender is irrelevant. If someone is assaulting you, and you are unable to get away, then you should absolutely fight back until your attacker stops attacking you. Once again, gender is irrelevant. The fact that “Dr.” Phil’s tiny little brain can’t comprehend that is simply mind boggling.

      • hoodatninja
        011 months ago

        As a general rule, nobody should be hitting anyone else.


        Gender is irrelevant.

        Well yes and no. Gender is a social construct. You probably mean “(biological) sex,” which is very relevant.