Not hating on open source, just let people use what fits their expectations and needs and stop deterring them with gatekeeping :P

UX = user experience

    311 months ago

    It bothers me a lot. Also considering OP and the ones with the same thoughts are using lemmy instead of reddit but still support fucking sync, i realize all of them are hypocrite or just stupid.

        211 months ago

        If you are saying i dont give a fuck about privacy policy of company, ideas and believes of company owners and other shit; if you are saying just give me content and better ux, then it seems that we are not same. cant argue with that.

        • I didn’t say any of that. I am saying I care about the UX first. I don’t use meta/Twitter/alphabet social products for these reasons.

          I would like to see instances also get a funding mechanism to support them without corporate overlords.

            11 months ago

            If you care more about your experience, then go pay to reddit and get an api key, then use some 3rd party app that suits you. Also reddit has a lot more content and more active

                • ANGRY_MAPLE
                  11 months ago

                  This recent trend of people telling other people to go back to reddit over (frankly minor) disagreements is ironically really reddit-esque behaviour, imo. That website was atrocious for gatekeeping behaviours.

                  “Our community is not like reddit!” Uh- huh. All of that stuff seems to be moving to lemmy, too.

                  Anyways, thank you for not randomly name calling like some other people are.

      • @stappern
        10 months ago

        deleted by creator

        • I didn’t say I don’t support the infrastructure,and it’s an incorrect inference you make of my preferences. My position is “yes pay for UX.” My (unstated) position is also “yes, pay for infrastructure, but be willing to move instead of being tied to hosts”

          You seem to infer that bc I am willing to pay for UX, I’m against paying for the servers, which simply isn’t true or what I said.

    • toiletobserver
      3011 months ago

      What do you think is wrong about sync? The developer has had a low cost well supported product for quite a while. I must be missing your point.

      • @stappern
        10 months ago

        deleted by creator

        • toiletobserver
          511 months ago

          At the federal minimum wage in the US, it’s a little under three hours of work. Assuming full time work, that would be .14% of the gross income for the year. As a nonrecurring purchase, that seems low cost to me.

          411 months ago
          • nothing wrong with that

          • nothing wrong with that

          • the data collection modules have not been initialized in the Sync code

          But continue evangelizing.

            211 months ago

            Wtf you mean by “nothing wrong with that”, if its not wrong then fuck off from lemmy, go to reddit there is a lot more content over there

            And how the fuck do you know the data collection modules are not initialized, and will not be initialized

              211 months ago

              Why do you assume that content is the reason I chose a platform? Why do you gatekeep and dictate people’s choices?

              And also from the Sync discord:

                111 months ago

                Because you all mentioning about ux again and again, which is all about interface and content for a forum platform. Before 20 years tracking and subscription models werent around but now they are everywhere and people slowly became ignorant(especially post-millenial people). As a result we now dont give a fuck about free, open sourced, private things. Thats why i am judging, but if there are things i miss please dm me, i would really like to hear where i am mistaken.

                Sorry about data tracking, i didnt know

                  111 months ago

                  I’ll be transparent as to why I paid. And I only speak for me, not any other Sync user. Sync has been the app I used the most in the past decade. Sync has been what I - personally and subjectively - found to be my ideal android app experience, above all other apps. The majority of the time my phone is on is with Sync open. And this was all for free, for nearly a decade.

                  Reddit has taken that away from me. And the reason I’m willing to pay is to compensate the Sync dev for the value he has personally given me. While I believe in FOSS, I believe more in the principle of fair trade. And I have judged that, in my specific circumstance, he has given me more in value over the past 10 years than the price he currently asks for. And again, I only speak for myself.

                  And yes, the source of information comes from the serving platform (whether that’s Reddit or Lemmy instances). I would have been willing to pay for a Reddit API key if that meant being able to keep Sync. But they don’t offer it. And once I am able to migrate my profile to a different instance, I plan on donating to that instance if they take donations.

                  I’ve done the same with any service that has given me value, including Wikipedia. Again, this is based on fair trade and value.

      2211 months ago

      Seems a strange thing to be bothered by to that extent.

      “all of them are hypocrite” what is this imaginary group being hypocritical about?

        211 months ago

        We are using lemmy, because its foss, because it doesnt commercialize anything, because its decentralized; if thats not the case for you just use reddit, there is a lot more content over there.

        Sync is making money over fediverse, closed source, and collects data. So now, can you see the point?

            111 months ago

            So defending basic ideas of FOSS is what reeks in foss. If this is what you think, pls no need to discuss further

              211 months ago

              No, defending FOSS is not what reeks, it’s how people zealously go about defending it that does.

              But you’re right, no need to discuss further.

          711 months ago

          Fuck right off with the gatekeeping you melt of a man child.

          You are using lemmy because it’s FOSS, because it doesn’t commercialise anything, because its decentralised.

            111 months ago

            Chill out

            If you dont use becuase what i have listed, there is no reason to stay here, just go where the content is more, and you can easily pay for api key and use custom interface for reddit.

            Instead of spending your time with raging to a random stranger on internet, just ignore or logically discuss with me.

      411 months ago

      Oh the irony of this comment… calling others hypocritical and stupid when they themselves don’t have the full context into the reason people beg for Sync… The irony is too strong

        111 months ago

        If its closed source, have a subscription model, and collects data i would rather not use that 3rd party app. Those things come before UX for me and if you are someone who came from reddit(like me) instead of payin for an api key and still use 3rd party app you must have the same side with me or you are just lying to yourself or dont know why left reddit(i expressed this situation with stupidity).

        As i said, there is a lot more content on reddit, go over there pay what you pay to sync for lemmy and use reddit. Same thing with lots of more content.

          411 months ago

          You are entitled to make any assumptions you want about my choice. I’m glad you have your criteria for choosing the platforms and apps you like, and I celebrate that.

          Unfortunately, you don’t really know my reasoning for my choice of platform and app, so telling me to go to Reddit based on your mis-assumptions about why I like Lemmy and Sync really highlights the core issue here.

          Anyway, good luck to you bud. I hope you have a great Friday.