Not hating on open source, just let people use what fits their expectations and needs and stop deterring them with gatekeeping :P

UX = user experience

  • I didn’t say any of that. I am saying I care about the UX first. I don’t use meta/Twitter/alphabet social products for these reasons.

    I would like to see instances also get a funding mechanism to support them without corporate overlords.

      11 months ago

      If you care more about your experience, then go pay to reddit and get an api key, then use some 3rd party app that suits you. Also reddit has a lot more content and more active

          • ANGRY_MAPLE
            11 months ago

            This recent trend of people telling other people to go back to reddit over (frankly minor) disagreements is ironically really reddit-esque behaviour, imo. That website was atrocious for gatekeeping behaviours.

            “Our community is not like reddit!” Uh- huh. All of that stuff seems to be moving to lemmy, too.

            Anyways, thank you for not randomly name calling like some other people are.