• Melon_Cooler
    11 year ago

    I’m honestly surprised how quickly discord has gone to shit vs. how long everyone I know was using stuff like Skype and TS beforehand.

    I also hate how people try to use discord as a replacement for more traditional forums (including stuff like Reddit and kbin) instead of as just a chat and messaging platform. It sucks at it, please stop trying to make it work for that people.

    • Jarmer
      11 year ago

      This is my biggest complaint as well, Discord is TERRIBLE for searching for informational posts and replies. Yet people constantly try and use it for that. Every time I see a “visit our discord!” When I’m just wanting to search a forum, I groan and just close the site. I cannot wait for Discord to die off.

      • dairokkanOP
        21 year ago

        I despise subreddits who say “we are moving to discord”. The two platforms are nothing alike and never will be

        • Jarmer
          11 year ago

          like /r/iphone. It’s like “cmon people HAVE YOU LEARNED NOTHING” … moving from one collapsing private for profit corporate disaster to another