• smoothbrain coldtakes
    611 months ago

    Does anybody actually have any real interest in the Section 31 series? DISCO managed to take a secret organization and give them a fucking fleet and destroy basically all of the tactical secrecy involved.

    I really, really don’t want to see a series that involves anything with DISCO’s rendition of S31. I don’t want an Ash Tyler show, I don’t want a Georgeou show. I don’t want more TOS-era retcons from a writing staff that didn’t even want to be in that era to begin with and took two seasons to hurl themselves 500 years into the future so that they would stop needing to violate canonicity every ten seconds.

    • @bauhaus@lemmy.mlOP
      11 months ago

      930 years into the future, and they still can’t write themselves out of a wet paper bag, but to answer your question: no. I don’t want to see a S31 series, either. That’s the point of a clandestine, off-the-books organization is that you don’t see or hear anything about them. they’re supposed to operate n the shadows secretly, dammit, lol. The jokers writing DIS had them parading around like James Bond introducing himself t every pretty girl and shady character in a casino like, “Yo, I just ripped of your casino for millions because I’m a master card sharp, and, btw, I’m an elite British spy sent here to kill your boss. Take me to him, please? Also, make me a drink.”

      Edit: S31 worked in DS9 because they were creepy and they are generally regarded as repugnant by the Starfleet characters we saw and as a massive and shocking hypocrisy by the non-Starfleet/Federation characters. And then the DS9 crew worked to take down the leader of S31, simply for existing as an existential threat, not because it had become a self-aware AI bent on the destruction of humanity and intergalactic domination. DS9 had standards.

      • smoothbrain coldtakes
        11 months ago

        It’s on par with other Trek in terms of having a disastrous first few seasons, but the difference between say, TNG sucking for two seasons is like 50 episodes of lead-up and experimentation to work out the kinks, while DISCO has acclimated to their 10-12 British-style seasons which leave less room for trial-and-error. The main issue with the current run of 'Trek is that there is no more room for that trial-and-error, except for SNW, which has been taking massive leaps and bounds out of the established formula and doing an honestly great job with it.

        • @bauhaus@lemmy.mlOP
          11 months ago

          it’s not the amount of episodes, really because the feedback from the public is far faster and more detailed. see, the style of storytelling - serialized with season-long story arcs - gives far less ability to show any variety or independent growth with a character. it’s all locked-in on a specified narrative path. the goal is already determined from the start. SNW is more open-ended with its more episodic format, as was the preferred format of earlier series. these allow for more varied stories, varied types of storytelling, more opportunities for character development, world building, etc. And it allows for course-correction in development of the series in response to feedback from he public that would otherwise derail the production of a series written as one, massive story arc with a planned narrative path and ending.

          DS9 managed to balance both pretty well, writing most episodes in an episodic format, but frequently featuring 2-3 episode story arcs that were much easier to digest than massive, season-long story arcs and allowed for adjustments as production progressed.

        • @maegul@lemmy.ml
          111 months ago

          Another way in which I’m not sure this equivalence holds is that those 50 episodes were almost certainly made differently. Faster for one, in about the same time frame as 2 seasons. And therefore probably much more chaotically, randomly, disconnectedly and with a more spread out writing staff.

    • @ClarkDoom@lemmy.world
      111 months ago

      I’m not a big discovery fan at all but yes, I am very interested in a made for streaming Trek movie. Curious what Paramount could do with it now that they have a better sense of what the general Trek community likes.

        • @ClarkDoom@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          Won’t argue there, I loved season 3. All the more reason to have some hope about the movie S31 IMO.

          • smoothbrain coldtakes
            11 months ago

            I just don’t like the iteration that Discovery built of S31. It would be cool to see S31 during DS9.

            The only reason it would be semi-appealing would be the possibility of hosting the series within the Klingon war, but we already know how that ends - with a nuke in Q’nos’ core and the detonator given to L’rell, which is basically a Section 31 solution anyways in terms of how grossly incompatible it is with core Starfleet ideals.

            I just don’t think they have anything interesting they can do unless they take a page out of SNW’s book and do something zany like have an actual spy-thriller, but that would work well with Starfleet Intel as well, and doesn’t need to be complicated by S31.