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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Due_Paper7992 on 2023-08-12 14:16:26.

I [20M] work part-time at a bodega as I go to university. Since it’s summer and the next semester won’t be starting for another month, I’m working a lot more hours. I got this job through a family friend and enjoy working here a lot.

As my hours went up in summer, I started to notice that a middle-aged woman would visit the shop with her grandfather multiple times a day. She would immediately usher him to the bathroom (as fast as a man in his 80s or 90s could move), where he would do his business and they would leave without buying anything.

The issue is that he pisses ALL OVER THE FLOOR. I’m talking about a Mississippi River level of urine across the floor that I have to clean up every time. It’s absolutely disgusting in an otherwise clean bathroom.

I’ve explained the situation to the owner. He told me we couldn’t refuse to allow a customer to use the bathroom legally. When I asked what we should do instead, he shrugged and said there’s nothing we could do about it.

Well yesterday the woman came in when I was working, of course dragging her grandfather along. At a busy hour in front of a bunch of customers, I loudly said something along the lines of “Can you stop using our bathroom because you don’t want to clean up Grandpa’s mess? It’s f-ing disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself.” The woman looked at me in shock and ushered him out. I figured I had handled the situation.

Later she came back, though, and shrieked at me about how she’s the only person her grandfather has and how she had to quit her job to take care of him. I told her to calm down or leave, to which she responded, “You’re an f-ing asshole and have no idea what it’s like to take care of another person.” She stormed out before I could say anything.

I just wonder if I owe her an apology here or not.

    11 year ago


    Oh no an old man with bladder problems bladder problemed and you decided - despite the owner saying ‘leave it’ - to publicly humiliate over it.

    Massive Arsehole

      11 year ago

      Someone with a bladder problem should find a solution other than making some random stranger clean their urine off the floor every day. Like, what about the bathroom in these people’s own apartment? What about Depends? How’s this old man manage to only get urine on the floor of the bathroom and not the main store and everywhere else he goes?

        11 year ago

        He’s probably being taken out daily and the bodega happens to be near the point his bladder wants out. At that age aim is…not a thing.

        Still, points are valid but OP coulda taken them aside privately, or raised it earlier (and probably would have found the caretaker would havd been amenable to cleaning up the mess themselves, you’d be shocked what you get used to in these situations). Instead they went straight to loud and public humiliation. That is what makes them the arsehole.

        • @mycatiskai
          11 year ago

          Sitting to pee when you have no aim is a thing though.