TO THE ADMINS: Read this thread and give me one good reason why federating with toxic, propaganda spreading tankie loons is a good idea.

No one wants those fucks, or the alt right dipshits for that matter, around, and they’re spreading blatant lies, yet I see they are here. Does only care about boosting its numbers and is willing to sink to new lows to do it, I wonder? 🤔

  • @sunaurus@lemm.eeM
    11 months ago

    For the time being, I have no plans to change our federation policy. I realize this is not what you want to hear, and I’m sorry to disappoint you. It’s just not a goal for to curate external instances for now.

    There are probably many instances out there that have horrible content (content which would get users banned if they posted it on, but vetting instances and maintaining a defederation list is a big effort, and I believe this effort is much better spent elsewhere.

    I’ve stated this in many other similar threads, but let me also reiterate here: the above should not be taken to mean that is some bastion of free speech absolutism. Users or communities breaking rules on are dealt with. Also, we do reserve the right to defederate any instance which starts causing problems for on a bigger scale (so in cases where banning individual users is not effective).

    I realize this is a topic where it’s impossible to make everybody happy, because each person has their own view on what should be federated or defederated. At the end of the day, for anything that’s not illegal or directly hurting, I believe it’s best to leave these decisions up to users - you can make your own choices with which users and communities you block, and I’m certain that soon you’ll have the tools built in to Lemmy itself to make the same decision on an instance level as well. And if that doesn’t work for you, then there’s always the possibility of joining a different instance with a different approach to federation.

      11 months ago

      But defederating Threads was fine lol.

      We need to stop recommending to newcomers, it’s hostile to normal folks.

        2411 months ago

        Why don’t you just start your own? You can defederate any instance you want.

        I’m on but I’ve personally blocked communities I’ve found to be toxic, some of them were on lemmygrad. I see very little tankie shit. Took me like 5 minutes.

          11 months ago

          People half-joke that coming to Fediverse is easy, all you need to do is select a provider like you do with e-mail.

          In case of Lemmy this omits the part where you have to block dozens of communities because they shill for genocidal regimes and you can’t block them and their users wholesale using instances. You also have to be on a lookout for trolls that coordinate on those instances and use alts from other instances. If you aren’t careful enough your experience might be akin to a conspiracy Facebook group but obviously it’s users fault.

          Mastodon doesn’t have this issue despite using same Activity Pub framework.

          Kbin doesn’t have it.

          It’s Lemmy developers and instances that somehow ended up with staggering amount of tankie trolls, to the extent that exceeds even alt-right trolls on Reddit.

          Telling people to start their own instances is acknowledging that the issue is so widespread that there are no instances with sane policies.

            811 months ago

            I had to block so much fucking celebrity, right wing, sports, etc bullshit on Reddit. It’s literally the same issue just different genres of communities. I probably had 100+ subreddits blocked in Apollo.

      11 months ago

      Thanks for this attitude. Lets me know I’m on the right instance. I want to be able to choose who I block, and I don’t want someone else choosing that for me.

    • Spzi
      110 months ago

      For the record, I changed my opinion regarding hexbear. While I generally very much appreciate the open federation policy, I think users from that instance overwhelmingly deteriorate the culture in comment sections. Appreciable individual exceptions exist.