As of 12:56pm GMT (7:56am central time), 7742/8299 subreddits are no longer public

The information I initially posted is misleading. Thus, I have edited the title and this content area to report accurate numbers.

As @roofuskit mentioned, the 8299 number is the amount of subreddits that committed to going dark, not the total number of subreddits, which is over 3,000,000.

And as @8thiest was keen to observe, 204 of the top 250 are dark, as you can see from this site:

  • IncognitoErgoSum
    11 year ago

    This isn’t going to completely destroy reddit. Things will eventually go back to mostly how they were, but the difference is that some other places will have attracted a critical mass of people so as to provide an actual alternative. What’s probably going to happen is that reddit will begin a long, slow decline over the course of years. It’ll probably be around in some form or another for quite a long time, much in the same way that Slashdot, Fark, and Digg are still sputtering along.