Lord of the Rings needs to be ‘one of the biggest gaming franchises in the world,’ Embracer interim COO Matthew Karch said in a recent speech to investors that also dealt with restructuring the company itself.

  • Bartlebad
    01 year ago

    LotR: Gollum was a bad step towards this, but we’ll see how the new Magic: the Gathering set coming out in the next week does to push this along. One thing that they’re lacking in the world of tabletop is a strong RPG presence. There’s a new one that JUST came out last month, but I’ve not heard much demand (if any at all) for it, and I run a decent sized FLGS in SoCal.

    • RJOP
      11 year ago

      Gollum was a big misstep, agreed; playing from Gollum’s perspective for a few levels within a game could be fun, but not for an entire game.

      There’s also a Return to Moria game coming out later this year that looks fairly promising: https://www.returntomoria.com/

      • Bartlebad
        11 year ago

        Return to Moria does look interesting. I’ll be watching to see how it shapes up.

        Agree on stealthy Gollum gameplay possibly being interesting in another game. It just doesn’t feel like a strong enough premise to shoulder an entire game. Let alone one with a $50 price tag.