• ✨Abigail Watson✨OP
    301 year ago

    There was some pseudoscience going around a while back about people can be left brain or right brain thinkers. Supposedly it came down to your dominant hand - meaning lefties are artistic and righies are logical. It’s been thoroughly debunked but people still say it to me fairly often.

    • @Mothra@mander.xyz
      41 year ago

      Wow. I’ve heard about the left and right brains as such but never seen people translate that to an artistic personality… I guess it might be a cultural thing. If it makes you feel any better, I can confirm you it’s not a universal myth.

    • Bizarroland
      11 year ago

      I wonder if in the societies where the myth is popularized if left-handed people tend to be more creative because they are told that by nature they are more creative?

      To put it another way, are left-handed people more creative because of their “right brain dominance” or because they are nurtured in a culture that expects them to be more creative?