WHO warned that the reported number of cases and deaths do not reflect the true numbers. Read more at straitstimes.com.

  • @Tavarin@lemmy.ca
    01 year ago

    I’m not murderous, I masked, locked down, got vaccinated as soon as I could.

    But there are absolutely no measures we could have taken that would have eliminated covid. We could only slow it down.

    You need to learn about epidemiology, as well as logistics, because your suggestions of how we “could” have dealt with it would not work and I’m trying to get you to understand why.

    And I have my degree, you can call me Doctor by the way.

    • FfaerieOxide
      11 year ago

      How do you expect to get your Doctor Of Shutting The Fuck Up degree at this rate?

      • @Tavarin@lemmy.ca
        01 year ago

        I don’t need it, I’m very much qualified to keep talking. If anyone needs to learn to shut the fuck up, it’s you. You clearly have no maturity, no logical grasp of reality, and a complete refusal to be educated. It’s sad really.

        • FfaerieOxide
          11 year ago

          I have to say a PhD in Shutting The Fuck Up would garner you alot more respect than insisting it’s impossible to fight disease so we shouldn’t do it.

          I don’t know how old you are, but it’s never too late to go back to school.
          I sent you a link higher up in the thread.

          Check it out.

          • @Tavarin@lemmy.ca
            01 year ago

            You should really go to school yourself, you sound like an uneducated pre-teen.

            I didn’t say it was impossible to fight covid, I said it was impossible to eliminate covid. And further steps to fight covid like you suggest are not only impossible to implement, but would have resulted in catastrophic deaths on their own.

            No matter how hard we fought covid it spreads to well, and has too many vectors to eliminate. Us going into harder lockdown, and killing more people from lack of services, would have still resulted in endemic covid spreading like we see today.

            You do know you can stop this conversation anytime you like. I just want you to think over the logistics of fighting an airborne illness that can easily spread between condos and building floors without any direct interaction between people, while existing in several wild species, and consider how that makes it an impossible fight. And your “suggestions” for solving those issues would not work, so either think of new suggestions, or accept you’re wrong.

            • FfaerieOxide
              11 year ago

              If you’re as good at your day job as you are at shutting the fuck up, I worry for your employment.

              I still think you deserve food, shelter, and internet though (just wish you wouldn’t use the last one to be a piece of shit in my notifications).

              • @Tavarin@lemmy.ca
                01 year ago

                Well if you stopped replying I wouldn’t be in your notifications. You only have yourself to blame.

                No could you please educate me on the logistics of how we could have eradicated covid? Since you know so much on the matter, but have told me so very little, and given me no detail. I would really like to know.

                • FfaerieOxide
                  11 year ago

                  If it’s impossible to eradicate airborne disease, how did we manage to wipe out LIGMA?

                  • @Tavarin@lemmy.ca
                    01 year ago

                    Given there is no such disease as Ligma, we dind’t.

                    But if you want to do a “ligma balls” joke, go for it, I’m all ears.