I can actually feel the lack of bots, AI replies and chatGPT comments in the threads. I cant exactly pin point it to a specific trait or writing style but you can feel the humans behind these comments.

There is no toxicity, no “in conclusion”, no stupid summaries.

Amazing. Although I want this to take over Reddit at some point, the small community and lack of publicity we have at the moment is amazing.

  • @LemmyAtem@beehaw.org
    251 year ago

    I pointed this out in another thread, but the sheer amount of comments being posted when 95% of the subs (ballpark?) were dark was like… impossible. I think the amount of bots on reddit is staggeringly higher than people realize, myself included.

    • operatorOP
      1 year ago

      The overall writing style rapidly changed about 3-4 years ago. I guess we now know why

      Edit: Typo

        • operatorOP
          61 year ago

          idk to be honest, got darker. more toxic. more shallow. cant certainly pin point it to a specific writing style

        • @iorale@lemmy.fmhy.ml
          31 year ago

          At least something very easy to see was when someone asked or mentioned a brand or model, suddenly a chain of users replied with how good or satisfied they were with it, but never replied to other users comments or inquiries, or only did to those that were happy or ok with it

    • majorgator13
      61 year ago

      Once I realised the sheer amount of {generic word} + 2 numbers bot accounts reposting posts and comment threads, I quickly got disillusioned.