As states across the country move to make sure students are well fed, Republicans have announced their intention to fight back.

  • JonEFive
    121 year ago

    That’s the thing - they don’t see it that way. Their voters think that it won’t affect them because they’re not abusing the system, but it’ll be a good thing to give freeloaders the boot. Their cognitive dissonance doesn’t let them realize that they are also part of the group that will be affected.

    You see it am the time. They hold two contrary beliefs with no problem arguing for both.

    • keeb420
      81 year ago

      And then when their kids or grandkids or whatever get denied free school lunch they’ll blame Joe biden. It’s a cycle.older than I am.

      • NotMyOldRedditName
        1 year ago

        Their unwanted numerous children because they were only taught abstinence in sex education, and cant legally have an abortion so they’re too poor to feed their kids kids.

        Totally Joe’s fault!