Humans who run instances are real people who have jobs and mortgages and kids. I also like having piracy communities around to balance the greedy ass corporations trying to control media and copyright…I’m glad to know they are there if I need them or feel like screwing around with it. I just wonder if the people ranting all indignantly acting like instances are competing for their usership would feel the same if the most active instance was on a server physically sitting in their basement, or paid for by money tied to them in the real world. Yes it seems pretty unlikely that you’re ever going to run into issues with law enforcement, copyright claims, lawsuits…but how much would you risk for a fucking hobby you do for free? Would you risk your house? Your job? I would not. Grow up. No one cares what instance you use.

    181 year ago

    It’s not thought police, go host your own instance like I do if you care that much, fuck I’ll help you set it up. Jesus you people are insane sometimes.

      • GunnarRunnar
        121 year ago

        Lmao thought police is fucking sending me a bill for breaking the copyright law!!

          • GunnarRunnar
            101 year ago

            No, calling protective measures fascism/thought controlling/etc is in fact closer to thought controlling than that in itself. And besides you can easily bypass this ban, which wasn’t done in secret but with a public announcement.

            Just… grow up or come up with a real point.

              21 year ago

              Lol, do I need to be protected from the pirates? Am I going to be taken away by the dirty criminals? Is this decreed for my own good? What will you do if I continue to object?

              IDK, feels pretty fascist.

              • Rottcodd
                31 year ago




                Lol, do I need to be protected from the pirates? Am I going to be taken away by the dirty criminals? Is this decreed for my own good?


                When you point a finger, you point three at yourself.

                  21 year ago

                  It’s really sad living in a world where people don’t realize that narcissism is a set of behaviors and not an insult. That’s what we get for letting Republicans destroy education.