I opened Spotify this morning to be greeted by a modal popup with a “sponsored recommendation”.

Why am I seeing ads if I’m already paying for the premium plan!? 😑

  • @lapingvino@lemmy.world
    539 months ago

    That is literally what non-Open Source/capitalism is like:

    • You don’t pay, you are the product
    • You pay, you are the product and you pay for it
    • @MullMaster@lemm.ee
      69 months ago

      Man you’re absolutely correct. But I’ve yet to find a simplified music streaming solution that functions as seamlessly across a wide range of devices as Spotify connect does.

      I want an alternative… I also don’t want to manage a library as extensive as a streaming service’s offerings myself. I need convenience.

      I have a pretty sizeable local collection, and it can be a pain to manage sometimes. Tagging can become a real pain as well. A real splinter on the scrot.

      • @Pontishmonti@lemmy.world
        29 months ago

        After trying to find an app with something even close to Spotify Connect I gave up and switched to Apple Music and replaced my speakers with newer Denon that have Apple streaming support.

        It was the choice between letting Spotify fuck me over again and again and spending a few hundred dollars on new speakers. Annoying but fuck Spotify and their relentless upsells, ads, podcasts, books, etc

        (I feel pretty strongly about that because I used it daily since they released their beta version close to two decades ago).

      • @Dave@lemmy.nz
        29 months ago

        I recently found Spotube. It uses the Spotify search API then plays the audio from youtube. Basically spotify premium for free.

        Haven’t actually used it yet though.

        • HiramFromTheChi
          29 months ago

          Spotube looks really interesting. It says that you can use it as anonymous/guest, but it looks like it still requires a Spotify account. I don’t have an account, but I might have to make one just to test it out lol

          • @Dave@lemmy.nz
            19 months ago

            Yeah, reading through the github issues it seems the developer meant you can play stuff logged out but you can’t use spotify search without an account so the search doesn’t work unless you log in.