Im seeing a lot of things, on some communities. Like they could be nazis or denying the Uighur’s genocide.

What are we talking about exactly.

So pls, explain me like I’m 5 :)

Ty all

Edit : ty all very much for your answers. Morality for me : clearly don’t give a shit sometimes, can help to be mindfull. Basics that’s what I’ve should take care of. Its fediverse. And in bonus they are not fucking naziiiiiii :)

    1 year ago

    I personally can see it both ways. I think the biggest problem we have in society atm is we live in echo chambers on the internet. So having a platform that makes that inherently a feature I’m against.

    But at the same time the great thing about the fediverse is I can just roll my own instance that doesn’t ban anyone if I wanted to.

      21 year ago

      Exactly my thoughts 👍.

      If things get more hairy, I might even just do that. It’ll be a lot of work maintaining it, but… IDK, maybe it will be worth it.