Their post announcing it, has comments disabled. I have been going on reddit looking for polls to vote “yes” to continue to participate in the blackout. This was kind of a bummer.

Edit: Looking at the mods most recent post, they’re still putting up a fight! And all new posts have 0 upvotes and I can’t see comments from RiF anyway. Can anyone else see anything from other reddit apps?

  • bozo
    821 year ago

    June 30th is gonna be real interesting once the reality of the situation sets in. I encourage everyone here to be the change you want to see - don’t be afraid to participate here and create a new magazines for any niche interest you may have!

    • Tigbitties
      241 year ago

      June 30th

      I predict a huge drop once the aps stop working. Anyone using RiF and having to switch to the Reddit ap is going to have a hard time. It’s really bad. I just opened it up because I haven’t used it in a while… Boom. 2nd entry down. Big fat ad. Took up the whole page. Awful looking ad too.

      • TimberHearth
        91 year ago

        I’ve never used the official app (used Relay on Android then more recently Apollo when I switched to iOS) and this is horrible.

          31 year ago

          I’m glad to see another Relay user! It’s underrated - it seems like a bunch of other apps get the spotlight, but Relay is still my favourite reddit app.

      • UninsuredOP
        11 year ago

        There is no way I’ll be using it. I tried it once when RiF was down. Uninstalled within a few minutes. I’m so used to RiF, when I’m playing a game on my pc, I would still prefer browsing reddit via RiF over the web browser.