• Dremor
    21 year ago

    When new money is created the central banks get it first thus it’s value is still mainly unchanged. They loan it to the government and they spend it to fund tremendous crimes.

    By the time the money gets to the average person the inflation is realized by the economy and the purchasing powers has decreased.

    That now how it work, like at all. The central bank do not control the value of the money they print, the exchanges does. If they print too much, the money will devaluate, which means inflation. Which means the US government will have to pay more for what they wanted to buy, aka printing more money, which further devaluate the money, and so on. Same goes with any currency, be it physical or crypto.

    Exactly, because the US is controlled by banks, so the US military does the bidding of the bankers. They invade because they do not control the region yet, not to “spread freedom”.

    Still waiting for the US to “spread their freedom” to countries that said them to go f*ck themselves, like France during the Irak invasion. And by that not by renaming French fries to Freedom fries like the some GOP politician pushed forward.

    Exactly, because the US is controlled by banks, so the US military does the bidding of the bankers. They invade because they do not control the region yet, not to “spread freedom”.

    They don’t need “communist bankers” for that. A fascist state would have done the same. The US need energy, which means oil. That as simple as that.

    The US has a central bank because it was infiltrated by communists

    So infiltrated by communism they enacled some of the worst anti-communism laws in the world? All that while being controlled by a communist central bank created (1913) before the Russian communist revolution (1917)? Yeah… right…

    Globally, there is no fascist bankers, nor communist ones. It is far simpler that that.

    The true villain is simply our collective greed, who want to live as comfortably as possible no matter the impact on who we see as the “others”. The politics know that, manipulate that to their own ends, creating scapegoat left and right (fascist on the left, commies on the right), to make us fight against each other.

    And you are currently playing right into their hand by blaming some communist others for our collective shortcommings at finding a collective solution at a collective problem.

    • @tusker@monero.townOP
      11 year ago

      By printing more money they devalue the money in existence. They have first access to new money so they benefit from it and buy up assets, while the poor ignorant fool does not know how to protect himself from inflation tax.

      France is controlled by the same bankers as the US, freedom-fries was a show put on for the dumb masses to consume some drama.

      Where is this anti-communist act today, it has been shredded because communists run the whole place now. Even at the time the FBI stood up for the communists because they were already infiltrated.

      “There was much controversy surrounding the Act. The Federal Bureau of Investigation and its Director, J. Edgar Hoover, opposed the bill on the count that it would have forced the Communist movement underground”

      There is no collective greed, greed is individual. It is true that the communists use political parasites to play on some people’s greed to get something for nothing pushing for more communism.

      • Dremor
        11 year ago

        Sure, “the bad guys do it but there is no way I, an intelligent person, may be fooled buy the same artifice”, am I right?

        We can debate all day, but I’m still waiting for any evidence of what you pretend. Or should I? Is it a gut feeling? Maybe a hearsay from whatever political circle you are from? I’m curious.

        • @tusker@monero.townOP
          11 year ago

          There isn’t one piece of “evidence” that concludes how the whole scam system functions. It is a conclusion based on years of evidences I have seen. Life is too complex to boil down to a single factoid, that would be completely irrational to base everything on. Even if such a single piece existed you would just dismiss it anyway because it would contradict your belief structure.

          Our beliefs and ideas are formed through experience and exposure over long periods. The important part is does your conception of the world make you successful, independent, and content, or fearful, dependent, and subservient.

          • Dremor
            11 year ago

            As you said, life is complex, and my own experience is not enough to say if X or Y is corrupt or not (I would rather say that most are somewhat in the middle), but so are you. I’d rather trust independent investigation press, which job is precisely to investigate and expose corruption where it exist. Unfortunately in the US, there is very little law to prevent press owned by political parties and their affiliate to push a political agenda.

            You’d be probably surprised by how your contradictors can be open to dialog. I’m just curious about your evidence and experiences. I offered you some of mine, from what I consider as being reputable and independent sources (note that I did not go directly to a government website, like you are, I am cautious about what any government would say as there is a clear risk of conflict of interest). But if your evidences are so brittle that they wouldn’t stand debate, I’m sorry to tell you, but anyone would be a fool to believe them.

            Moreover, I do know a lot more about the bank side than you may think. As an IT worker I worked nearly half my career for banks, I’ve seen their process (as I translated them to code), met all kind of people, from high level bankers to low level employee. Like everyone, they have biased view of the world around them, forged from their respective life, and they take teir decision according to that. But something I can be sure of, none of them have a once of communist ideology in them. If it isn’t a regulation imposed by the legislator (environmental, fraud prevention, etc.) everything has one and only one objective: make as much money as possible while limiting risks to a reasonable minimum. Which is kinda the definition of capitalism, to my knowledge.

            • @tusker@monero.townOP
              11 year ago

              The people you came in contact with are just order followers. There is zero need for any “regulations” as fraud and theft are already illegal and when there is a victim resulting from such activity they can easily be prosecuted.

              “Regulations” are in place to prevent competition to the established communist banking mafia. You were dealing with low level people who have no clue about the overarching agenda…

              This documentary breaks down the communist subversion of the west, how it was all predicted decades ago and is now unfolding

              Communist Subversion | A Plan For Total World-Wide Control


              Just as you had no idea covid was a fake pandemic driven by hysteria, fake statistical models, and fraud based “tests”, you also have no clue about this takeover of society by psychopathic control freaks. While you were slaving away at your “job” and coming home to watch mind numbing nonsense such as netflix I was conducting extensive research for over a decade. I knew the covid “pandemic” was a sham by the end of the first day it was announced.

              This knowledge allowed me to prepare myself for what was to come and save a whole bunch of people from the poison injections which are now destroying the lives of millions by cause permanent heart damage and a host of other rapidly advancing illnesses.

              • Dremor
                11 year ago

                My brother, a nurse, worked during that “fake pandemic” you are talking about. He saw truckloads of people of all age die. And this was way before vaccine were available. He caught it on his job, fought it and survived, but some of his colleagues did not have this chance. So before spewing nonsense on topic you have probably no expertise, try asking those “low level people” who are the one who see what really happened. As you said, they are not part of the “conspiracy”, so they should not be biased a way or another.

                As for Odysee.com, I knew it back in the day a LBRY.tv, it is known to be full of debunked videos. Unfortunately I could not take a look at the video as it either corrupted or the format is unsupported by my browser (Firefox latest version, first time I see that). Checking at the video description, other that an ex-KGB agent and a far-right essayist, there is no source. This cannot be held as a proof of anything else that that there is at least 4 people (including you) believing in something.

                If you have done your own research, and followed a scientific method, you should know that the burden of proof is on the shoulder of the one that pretend something. And the more unbelievable the something is, the more solid and robust has to be the proof linked to it. And I’m still waiting for said proof. Opinion are not proofs.

                • @tusker@monero.townOP
                  1 year ago

                  Here we go, my brother’s, cousin’s, stepson, knew 1000 people that died from the sniffles. You are lying.

                  Now your going to discredit whole video platforms, yes everything on odysee has been debunked, the whole platforms is debunked. You are a complete moron.

                  Using science we know there is no covid because no virus was ever isolated and purified, you are a mind controlled dupe, you are exactly what that KGB agent is talking about. Totally mind controlled zombie who cannot process any information that goes against their indoctrinated narrative.

                  Everything is fine and the state and billionaires are working tirelessly to improve your life and make you as free, wealthy, and healthy with injections as possible, now go back to sleep.