There’s a few NSFW communities who keep getting advertised on the sidebar, showing an inappropriate photo. I don’t care to see it.

  • Kara
    111 year ago

    I believe it does make a difference. It just seems like nobody cares to turn on the nsfw filter

    • Kichae
      121 year ago

      It only makes a difference if people are properly labelling content and communities.

      • digitallyfree
        51 year ago

        Yep this is the answer. I have the filter turned on and it most definitely doesn’t work since all those posts are untagged.

    • HopeOfTheGunblade
      111 year ago

      I thought it was on by default, I have a (possibly confabulated) memory of unchecking it because I want adult content to show up; I prefer a more true to humanity face on the internet, that includes us at our shaking it baby, banging like it’ll solve global hunger, nude lewd and crude finest.

      • Kara
        221 year ago

        Sorry, I meant that people making nsfw posts are the ones who don’t turn on the nsfw tag on their posts.

        But yeah, the nsfw filter is off by default on people’s accounts

        • haeilsey
          131 year ago

          I’ve noticed the vast majority of it coming from
          I really hope that we can get the ability to make entire instances (and thus all posts in any of their communities) as nsfw, since that already is an explicitly and exclusively nsfw instance

          • digitallyfree
            1 year ago

            I’ve blocked their entire domain and I now I don’t see their NSFW posts anymore.

            Go to (basically `/d/<domain you want to block>') and press the block icon on the sidebar. Yes you’ll have to briefly look at their front page before you can block their content.

        • HopeOfTheGunblade
          121 year ago

          Ah, yeah. Definitely in favor of people marking things correctly. While misfiling is also very human, you gotta draw a line somewhere, and given that this particular case fucks up on people’s consent to exposure, it seems like a pretty good place for it.

          • WheresYourShoe
            41 year ago

            I won’t go back to mastodon because I opened the app to a huge picture of a wang, and I do NOT want that content, so I have the settings set to block it. It wasn’t blurred, or hidden behind a “click to reveal” button. Just wide open, filling my entire screen. And I had to keep seeing it to check if it was tagged nsfw, and to click to report.

        • SweetAIBelle
          111 year ago

          Actually, comparing notes a bit, it seems like sometimes posts are marked as nsfw on the server they are from, but show up as sfw on our side. There’s definitely some sort of bug going on here.

          • @ZeroNationality
            11 year ago

            I have been seeing this as someone who’s posted NSFW content. People from other instances will hit me up to complain about it when I’ve done what I can by posting on a NSFW server and marking it NSFW…

            • SweetAIBelle
              11 year ago

              Right. I was on the opposite side on this, as I was giving someone a friendly reminder about marking a post nsfw, but we compared screenshots, and it clearly was marked as NSFW on theirs and not mine, and the same was true for several other posts.

        • FaceDeer
          31 year ago

          I would hope that moderation starts kicking in on that kind of thing.

          I know Beehaw’s recent defederation ruckus wasn’t popular, but it does highlight the importance of moderation tools. If I was running an instance I’d want to be able to see stats for how often that kind of thing gets caught, and perhaps if there are instances that it happens on a lot then defederation would be warranted. People need to keep their portions of the neighborhood tidy.

    • CadeJohnson
      21 year ago

      a thing with the nsfw filter in the fediverse generally: there is a school of thought that people should treat “content warning” somewhat like an email subject line - basically marking everything nsfw if there is any chance that anyone might find it offensive. Not subscribing to that point of view myself, I tend to block anyone I encounter who adopts that practice because it is so annoying - but I can also understand that some people of very delicate sensibilities might appreciate being able to protect themselves from things that are not well-behaved kittens. TLDR, this is why a lot of people don’t turn on their nsfw filter - because in many places 90% of the so-called nsfw content is actually sfw, but evokes food, alcohol, politics, violence (yet of the sfw sort), or controversy.