MP3 player was a life changer. I went from a huge CD players not being able to fit in my pocket to a tiny bean that connects to pc with hundreds of songs, and i was blow away!

  • unwellsnail
    21 year ago

    There are some! Unfortunately they haven’t really caught on well, not easily available unless purchasing outright and they’re usually 10s of thousands (most power chairs are) and not covered by insurance. I really want to try one, this is one I’m really interested in that can climb stairs.

    • swope
      21 year ago

      That Scewo design is interesting. It’s infuriating that the price is more than a car. I’ve build balance-bots with Lego, it’s not complicated tech.

      What I had in mind was more like Boston Dynamics’ Handle: (Which I would call “advanced” … in 2017.)

      • unwellsnail
        21 year ago

        Yea unfortunately that’s the disability tax, most things designed for disability are expensive. That’s a cool design, I hadn’t seen it before. Maybe in another decade the tech will be replicated in mobility aids.

        Another reason besides price for why the 2 wheel balancing chairs aren’t used more is just functionality. Many people who use power chairs aren’t able to balance well, my own is pretty poor, so there’s an even more limited market and unfortunately we live in capitalism.

        • swope
          21 year ago

          Hmm. My intuition is it shouldn’t take any balancing skill on the user’s part, but the chair/bot will be fidgety – moving a little bit to maintain balance. So maybe not a good experience for activities needing stillness.