Been thinking about getting a steam deck. Talk me in or out of it. I’ve got a desktop, but thinking something handheld would be good when I want to sit on the couch. What are your favorite and least favorite things about your steam deck?

  • C8H10N4O2
    21 year ago

    Couch gaming is key for me too. There are a lot of PC-only titles that interest me but don’t compel me to sit at a computer to play. Being able to just tinker around in these games while watching TV is amazing. A great example of one of these types of games is Drive.

      21 year ago

      I live in a co-op, so for me it’s nice that I can enjoy my games while still hanging in the common space and getting social interaction as opposed to be squirreled away into my room. And I’ve even got to revive the LAN party, as I just bring my deck to wherever the other person’s setup is!