Brilliant exception handling I found in an app i had to work on

      31 year ago

      Depending on the language it either does nothing and just adds code bloat or (and this would be much worse) it will catch any exception that can be implicitly cast to type Exception and throw it as type Exception. So the next higher scope would not be able to catch e.g. a RuntimeException or w.e. to handle appropriately. It could only catch a regular Exception even if the original error was a more detailed type.

      21 year ago

      If this is C# (and it looks like it is), this leads to you losing the original stack trace up until this point.

      The correct way to do this in C# is to just throw; after you’re done with whatever you wanted to do in the catch.

        1 year ago

        wait what ?

        So you are saying that the following code will keep throwing e but if I used throw e; it would basically be the same except for the stack trace that would be missing the important root cause ?!

        try {
        } catch (WhateverException e) {
            // stuff, or nothing, or whatever
        • Exactly. Aside from deleting your already built stack trace, as a bonus you’ll get another stack trace building call, enjoy wasted CPU cycles.

    • @Xanvial
      11 year ago

      The catch is useless if it’s just throwing the exception anyway