“He added that he plans to make changes to moderator policies so users can vote them out. Currently, a higher-ranking moderator — or the company — can boot out moderators. Incidentally, a r/Apple moderator posted on Twitter (via 9to5Mac) that Reddit was threatening to remove moderators who are staging an indefinite blackout.”

  • I really wish subreddits would stay closed. I wanna see this guy actually try to take over the 5000 something subreddits that remained closed after the 48 hours. r/warframe and r/Minecraft are both still private. How does “Huff” Man think he’s gonna take over the official subreddits for two games owned by two of the biggest tech/software companies on the planet?

    • meldroc
      11 year ago

      Spez thinks he can replace the mods with a cube farm in Bangalore.

      Three guesses what happens to comment quality when that happens, and the first two don’t count…