• @Redredme@lemmy.world
    101 year ago

    Story of every generation, bub. I had the oil crises, 80s collapse, I forgot what it was called in the nineties, dotcom bubble, 2008 banking crisis, and the last few

    Returning theme? One big dip per decade. 80s and 08 where the nastiest though.

    Wars? One every 5-10 years. Too many to remember.

    Yeah, I’m getting old.

    And that guy in your pic is 54, pushing 55. Nowhere near 35.

    So get your shit together, and take another one on the chin. The working class gets our asses kicked financially ever since money was invented. It’s how the system works.

    • @speaker_hat
      301 year ago

      Did you write this message from your own house?

      • TWeaK
        31 year ago

        Shouldn’t you also own your own house? Why are you hostile toward someone who has what everyone should have, when it’s other people who are taking what you should have?

        • harmonea
          1 year ago

          Couldn’t possibly be because that person is acting like it’s our fault we’re too weak to have it too with the dismissive “bub” and the cry to “get your shit together.”

          • TWeaK
            1 year ago

            Just because you don’t like who it’s coming from doesn’t mean it’s not valid, practical advice. Take this one on the chin, and get your shit together so the next one doesn’t hit you, at least not so hard.

            • harmonea
              151 year ago

              Are you capable of checking the context of a statement before replying to it? The quality of the advice was not at issue. You asked why the person was hostile. Being an asshole begets hostility.

              • TWeaK
                1 year ago

                Being an asshole begets hostility.

                That’s not what’s happening here. You’re justifying someone being a bigger asshole because they perceive someone being a bit of one, or even just being associated with one by being the same age.

        • @speaker_hat
          11 year ago

          I’m not being hostile and that is not my tone. I was interested to know whether he’s in a financial situation where he can afford something that isn’t so affordable to the rest for the younger generation.

      • @Redredme@lemmy.world
        11 year ago

        My third even, 100% bank owned. Cannot afford to switch again so I think this is it till the end. All my under 30 colleagues also have their own by the way. It’s fucking expensive especially with 3 kids who probably cannot move out the next 10 years.

        I know where you’re coming from, having older kids myself. It’s hard and unfair. But that’s how it always been. The unfair part isn’t new.

        Looking back thinking it was easier in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s is, I’m sorry to say, disillusional. You’re just looking at housing (which was also bullshit in the 80s, and 00s by the way) and forget the rest of the shit of those times. 80s wasn’t fun, my dad lost his job, we only kept our house because my grand parents died and the inheritance filled the financial hole. 00s also wasn’t fun, being a part of the greatest depression since the 30s, I was fortunate to keep my IT job, a lot of mates lost everything. (job, house, marriage, because bad finance kills relations I’ve learned.) My wife did get fired and still is not at the same level as back then. But we get by, thank you for asking.

        Finance is a bitch. Always has been.

    • @Rawdogg@lemm.ee
      271 year ago

      Poor boomer, your gen pulled the ladder up firmly behind yas, every gen since is living harder lives than our parents, thanks for fucking up our future

      • TWeaK
        41 year ago

        Dude, don’t hate on the guy who is in the same position as you, just because they’re older and it was someone older who took advantage of both of you.

    • Don’t forget a looming climate crisis. We have that to look forward to, potentially with societal collapse in the next 50 years due to it, and our oil supply running out.

      • TWeaK
        41 year ago

        That’s also been something of a recurring theme. Environmental disaster is always 30-50 years out.

        Granted, it is definitely getting worse, and accelerating. But, for whatever reason, the historic estimates given for drastic climate events, like glaciers completely melting, has always been ~30 years.

        • I’ve been to glaciers that have receded to like 10% of their original glacial ice a 100 years ago. You have no idea what you’re talking about. The climate is breaking down right before your eyes, and all you have to say is been there done that… No wonder we’re fucked.

          • TWeaK
            21 year ago

            That’s not all I’ve said, at all. You’re flying off the handle irrationally.

            • @GreenMario@lemm.ee
              31 year ago

              Maybe we’re allowed to be fucking irrational when everything is on fire and you can’t “hard work your way out of a shit life” anymore.

              If I make more money, inflation just sets me right the fuck back to where I was. There is no ladder it’s a fucking treadmill.

    • @somethingsnappy@lemmy.world
      231 year ago

      I was going to be nice. I want to. But you have your head up your ass. I don’t even know where to begin if you think this way. Wages vs. Inflation, access to debt ballooning, housing is a corporate commodity. You are lost.

      • @Redredme@lemmy.world
        11 year ago

        We all are. Always have been. That was my point. I don’t own my house, the bank does and as long as I pay each month half of my income they allow me to live in it. I will never own it 100%.

        The things you’re pointing at have always been a problem, nothing new. And each year those problems grow. As do the deficiencies of our governments, our states.

        • @Krauerking@lemy.lol
          41 year ago

          Ok, while I understand you can feel like your house is a chain holding you down let me point out it’s honestly a massive jump from long term fixed loans with historically lower payments and an asset tool you can use for other loans again in the future vs the renting system younger people are in with rent higher than mortgage payments, lack of asset and no fixed price point which allows for abuse and rapid price increases further crushing budgets of anyone stuck in that which is a massive and growing percent of younger generations.

          Your budget is hurt by rising grocery costs and other things where as renters are hit in rent and monthly living arrangement costs increasing. And will have no assets to call on ever later in life for loans, or retirement. You see a burden and don’t realize people are dreaming of such a lighter stone to be crushing them.

    • TWeaK
      1 year ago

      Wars? One every 5-10 years. Too many to remember.

      People really do need to get a better idea of how common and ongoing war still is, and why it exists. We don’t have so much war in the world because people want or need to fight, we have so much war because there is an entire industry dependent on it, such that they manufacture and contrive reasons for war to be fought. There was a heavily decorated US WW1 veteran who flipped and started campaigning against this 100 years ago, and the industry has been churning on for far longer than that.

    • @DieguiTux8623@feddit.it
      21 year ago

      You’re right, young people nowadays are always complaining and do not know the meaning of sacrifice, resilience and endurance. They should be grateful for what they were given and should have been wise enough to leverage it in order to achieve an even better living than their parents who didn’t have the chance to even get proper education…

      • @GreenMario@lemm.ee
        71 year ago

        Absolutely meaningless when the end result is death. We do not benefit from our sacrifice, resilience and endurance. Our bosses do. Our landlords. Our government. I get a pittance to maybe survive another week until Death.

        Previous generations gaslit themselves thinking all their hard work and perseverance would reward them in the afterlife but we have proven that that is a fucking lie and probably why religion was invented so the peasants would keep working.

        And you expect me to be grateful to be a fucking slave to the billionaires?! Fuck you.

        • @Redredme@lemmy.world
          21 year ago

          Nobody expects you to do anything. Just don’t expect anything in return and you’re golden.

          BTW, you sound like me in the 80s. And that’s not meant as an insult or something, it’s just an observation. I’m curious if that says something about the economic & society cycle and where we are in it.

          • @GreenMario@lemm.ee
            31 year ago

            I was born in the 80s. So I got to see “the peak” of everything come tumbling down, right around I became an adult.

            There was a time that hard work could pay off, I’ve seent it. That’s the worse. To know that things can be better, has been but was snatched away before I had a chance to start the fucking game. I’m not smart enough to “learn 2 code” I’ve fucking tried.

            I’ve already sacrificed a lot, I had to reboot my life from scratch three times already. I’m too fucking old to just “try again”, and I refuse to live in a tent or my car. That’s not living that’s survival and what is the point of that, so the billionaires can leech off my labor a few more years til health problems or a crazy person takes me out? Fuck everything about that shit.

      • @Redredme@lemmy.world
        11 year ago

        Hahaha, that’s not what I’m saying but if you want to take it like that, be my guest.

        I’m saying shits fucked y’all. I’m also saying that it always has been.

        The grass wasn’t greener back then. Just a different shade of brown. Housing was better, a lot else was way worse.