If Neuralink can prove its device is safe in humans, it would still potentially take more than a decade for the start-up to secure commercial use approval

  • muse
    1 year ago

    Probably shit yourself and cry that you have fewer places to scream your freeze peach on.

    You aren’t rustling any jimmies but your own. All of us are just laughing and downvoting you without reading what you say. Your words aren’t being read and you’re wasting all this anger.

    Why don’t you go back to your alt right safe space and daydream about being the next school shooter you lil bitch?

    • LChitman
      21 year ago

      I’m reading some of them, in all their unprompted and unhinged glory.

    • RyanHakurei
      11 year ago

      Its instance has less than 100 users, less than 100 posts, and less than 100 comments. I think I’m fine not being able to interact on an already dead instance, and do you think I care about fake internet points on a project that’ll die out within a few years just like all other Reddit clones? Try touching some grass instead of gaining your value from a number on a screen, or you can provide at least some value to the world by killing yourself, and make sure you livestream it to add entertainment value to it.