Actually, the better question is: When will they replace most desktop Linux programs?

  • s4if
    61 year ago

    No, and it is better no. I want to have control and freedom on how I install and use Apps. Not to mention both of Flatpak and Snap is not storage efficient (compared to native). So for me who uses low end laptop with small ssd, native apps with their shared library is the way to go. I hope even when Flatpak and Snap goes popular, distro which stick with native apps also exist and usable.

    • naoseiquemsou
      21 year ago

      As someone from a developing country, I still prefer most of my software from standard packages, in order to take less space.

      And before someone comes to tell about how cheap storage is nowadays, it can be cheap for you, but it isn’t for me and for a lot of other people.

      • NikkiNikkiNikki
        11 year ago

        btrfs has dedupe? Is it possible to enable after-the-fact or can it only be done on new partitions?