• OurTragicUniverse
    279 months ago

    a nation that once liberated the world from fascism

    It’s gross how USAins keep parroting this nationalistic bullshit about their role in ww2.

    You guys didn’t liberate anything by showing up late for the war, and you tried your damnedest to spread your abhorrent racism in every country you landed in.

    • @invno1
      159 months ago

      Yeah, nah. You had it right up until we didnt help liberate anything. France seemed pretty appreciative of our help then and now. Not arguing the “abhorrent racism” par it is true and we’re continually working on it. Generational issues don’t get solved overnight.

    • @socsa@lemmy.ml
      119 months ago

      As a person of Dutch descent who is alive today because US GIs liberated a concentration camp right before my grandmother starved to death, this is extremely offensive, and you can go fuck yourself with your puerile contrarianism.

      • OurTragicUniverse
        9 months ago

        Shutting down a few concentration camps is not ‘liberating the world from fascism’.

        My grandparents and their families were in the camps too, and most didn’t come out alive. I’m not detracting from the atrocities of ww2 by telling the American to stop spouting propaganda.

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
        9 months ago

        Go fuck yourself with your revisionist agenda. The fact remains that Russians were the ones who liberated the world from Nazism, and they are doing the same today. You hate Russia commonly on every political Lemmy thread, so you want to spread your alternate dimension agenda.

    • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
      29 months ago

      USA and western colonialist powers waited till the last moment to see if Hitler could push back against USSR, and sort out his weaponry management. Reich failed against USSR’s might, and Allies came in to suddenly help. However, the real motives got revealed quickly.