We’re the good guys, they’re the bad guys. Isn’t it?

    • darq
      19 months ago

      Well the most important thing is that you feel morally superior to other people, and create spaces that minoritised people don’t feel welcome in because allowing bigots to voice their nonsense is more important than actually listening to those minoritised people.

        • darq
          19 months ago

          My “idea” that I should be able to exist in society.

            • darq
              19 months ago

              Words cannot adequately express the depth of the loathing and hatred I hold towards you and people who hold your ideals.

                • darq
                  19 months ago

                  It’s “thankless” because you are a complete tool. It’s “thankless” because you think people’s right are up for debate. Because you think it’s reasonable to tell minoritised people to simply wait, probably for the rest of their lives, for their ability to participate in society as equals.

                  And of course it’s not YOU paying the price, you just condescendingly demand other people pay the price. Because for you, it’s more important that the bigots are comfortable, than minorities getting to live their lives.

                  If you aren’t sure how else we expect to make progress, open up a damn history book. Pride was a riot.