Yes, I know browser bookmarks exist. But there must be some native functionality that I keep just not noticing - right?

  • bourbonmakesitbetter
    11 year ago

    Additionally, my understanding from another discussion is that, right now, Boost will affect the reputation score of the Boosted author’s account, while upvote will not. So there’s that to consider also.

    • Kichae
      11 year ago

      That shouldn’t be on anyone’s mind, really. Except ernest’s. He’s aware of the issue, and will rectify it sooner or later, but currently reputation doesn’t do anything.

      • bourbonmakesitbetter
        11 year ago

        Fair enough. There was a comment elsewhere in this discussion about not wanting to upvote or boost something they disagree with, and you probably wouldn’t want to increase the reputation of somebody you disagree with, regardless of if it actually having any meaning. But you probably also wouldn’t want to publicly boost or upvote in that case anyway, just to save a comment/article either.