Seems like the feeds are more active and I’m not hitting things with 3 upvotes 20 minutes into my scroll. Did Connect change something, did Lemmy or are we just seeing some population increase from Boost?

    79 months ago

    They are implementations of algorithms. They are what people mean when they say “algorithm” when talking about social media. The only difference I can think of is that it’s not tailored specifically for you, but that’s what “frontpage” instead of “all” does.

    • Adderbox76
      19 months ago


      It only becomes an algorithm when it’s using some “data” to help automatically determine a sort procedure, or decide what you see or don’t see. Until then, it’s just a filter.

      For example; sorting by date…not an algorithm. tracking your views to automatically determine what you would likely want to see at the top of your list…algorithm.

        99 months ago


        a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.

        Algorithm is a very generic word. Trying to gatekeep with those criteria makes no sense as everyone would have a different definition for algorithm.