Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn refused to condemn Hamas at a left-wing event held outside the Labour Party conference.

Mr Corbyn said he did not “support any attacks”, but in a tetchy exchange with journalists declined to set out his view on Hamas despite being repeatedly asked whether he would condemn the group.

    • @mannycalavera@feddit.ukOP
      61 year ago

      why are you still obsessed with him? He’s not a Labour MP.

      He’s a prominent ex Labour leader that fought two general elections for the party and has (had) a massive influence on left leaning politics in the UK. He’s hardly unworthy of comment. If he were totally irrelevant he wouldn’t be attending a fringe meeting at Labour party conference. In short, he’s still newsworthy.

      He said he does not support any attacks.

      As others have said this is obfuscation is what people don’t like about him. It was the same when he was leader and the same stance he took with Brexit that lost him all those votes in the North. He doesn’t support attacks, excellent. So that means he doesn’t support a proscribed terrorist group… errr look away everyone nothing to see here.

      We get that he’s pro peace but why he simply doesn’t say “I condemn Hamas terror attacks and I condemn Israel over retaliation” is completely beyond most people.

      • Adam
        11 months ago

        @mannycalavera You understand he’s “pro peace” but because he hasn’t said it in the very specific way you want means you have to bring him up in the way you did? He said “any attacks”, get over it.

        • @mannycalavera@feddit.ukOP
          111 months ago

          I am pro peace and thoroughly condem brutal attacks by Hamas.

          Why is this so hard for him to say?

          By not saying it like this he’s inviting criticism upon himself. By sitting on the fence it suggests he’s comfortable with what they’ve done. He’s supposed to be a politician.

          I’m glad Labour is now distancing themselves from him because it invites criticism to whatever party he’s aligned with too.

      21 year ago

      I’m not obsessed with him, it’s in the news and I’m commenting on it.

      You’re right, the guy is now irrelevant but I find it funny that even after being repeatedly savaged in the media for cosying up to and refusing to condemn Hamas, he hasn’t learned a thing and he still can’t do it.

      • Adam
        11 months ago

        @galmuth he said “any attacks”. Get over it. Accusing him of “cosying up” when trying to initiate dialogue is petty.