Yeah, yeah, yeah. I forgot to edit the meme. But I mean… it was 2020. It was a great year! Don’t you wanna go back?

    151 year ago

    Oh it’s definitely the future now:

    • The year is 2023
    • Hollywood writers are on strike because AI is threatening their jobs
    • A man was arrested with a crossbow. He had been convinced by an AI sexbot to assassinate the Queen of England
    • There is open mechanized warfare in eastern Europe. Robots are a key factor in the fighting, and robotic warfare technology is advancing rapidly in the conflict
    • Within the last month we just recovered the first material from an asteroid
    • We have approximately 8,000 satellites in orbit, a great majority of which use ion thrusters for positioning
    • The US Navy has published video and data proving the existence of alien technology visiting Earth
    • Nuclear fusion reactions have been demonstrated that provide more energy than their inputs
    • IT personnel are encouraged to use new quantum-resistant encryption methods because the advent of quantum computing makes all previous encryption ineffective

    The future has creeped up on us slowly, but we’re definitely in it.