Tonight marks the 3rd night in a row I haven’t been able to clear a NORMAL Crotas end raid. Some shit I keep seeing:

  • Refusing to do mechanics or not wanting the “responsibility” of the chalice or sword. IMO you should not be raiding or doing dungeons if you’re not willing to do mechanics. This is not limited to Crota. I think RoN and DSC got too many people used to doing ad clear as a role. Which is not really a role IMO.
  • Forgetting their role mid fight. In many groups I join we’re in the middle of an encounter and I hear “what am I doing again?”. Or someone dies suddenly from chalice overflow or another debuff. Like it’s fine once or twice but it just keeps happening. Eventually someone has to now direct this person while also doing their own role.
  • Bad ad clear. We are so stupid powerful in this game and there are multiple ways to clear an entire room of bad guys in a split second. I shouldn’t have to run to the other side of the room to help you kill stuff.
  • Bad builds and bad build knowledge. Look, I get we’re not trying to min/max our efficiency here but when we’ve been stuck on Ir Yut for an hour because we can’t clear second damage phase it’s time to stop fucking around and put on Cuirass. Also, if someone says put on Cuirass you should know to put on T crash.
  • Taking your time in the first crota encounter. If you can eager edge your way through everything then cool. If you eager edge me into a pit or pendulum or if you repeatedly eager edge to your death then you need to fucking stop. You’re not going for world’s first anymore. Fucking stop.

This isn’t limited to just Crota either I was having similar shit on RoN:

  • People demanding to do ad clear in RoN and then sucking at it.
  • People not being able to stay alive on totems in Kings Fall. People not being able to stay alive in general. Like ad clear, we have so many options for survival. You can also build into it.
  • People thinking they can do a raid without a mic. If you’re on PC and can type fast okay but not acceptable on console.
  • People unable or unwilling to learn different callouts. I’ve learned maybe 4 different versions of the planet room in RoN. It got to the point where I would tell teams “you tell me how you do it and I’ll figure it out”. Half the time I would just look across at the other dude and see where he left from.

I’m probably complaining to the wrong people here but is anyone else experiencing this?

    21 year ago

    People who LFG are generally doing it for a reason, and 85% of the time that reason becomes very apparent once you party up. If they’re in the LFG queue there’s a good chance they’re either very hard to get along with, don’t know what they’re doing and/or are just not very pleasant people.

    People who are better and more dedicated to the game tend to have clans/groups external to the game that allow them to party up when they want to.

    I don’t raid or do group activities at all since I’m the exact type of player you’re talking about. If I wanted to do group activities I’d have to LFG, and then I’d just be dead weight.