if you voted for Trump, you are forever cut off from the Blessings of Liberty… you are not, and never will be fellow citizens of mine… i will not defend any of you or your offspring from even the most basic harm… you are enemies living among us for the rest of your lives…


  • magnetosphere
    59 months ago

    I can’t get on board with “all your offspring”. Some of the worst violators of human rights do that, like China, Russia, and North Korea. It is never fair to hold children accountable for the wrongs of their parents.

    I 100% agree with the rest, though.

    • theodewereOP
      19 months ago

      i understand your position, and i don’t disagree… but i include the language specifically so that they will take it seriously… i don’t think they will otherwise…

        • theodewereOP
          9 months ago

          this is where i am… but if you think there are dark corners of the internet where my Message will do some good, you have my permission to carry it there like a Beacon, to guide the Ignorant…